Thursday, July 16, 2009

Why I read the blogs I read

This is a mere plain text post; so be prepared to fall asleep..heh.

There are a few blogs on the net that I frequently check out..on a daily basis sort of like a staple food. If I don't, it does feel like my reading routine would be incomplete with just the online papers. They are (in no particular order) for you to check out:

1. Waiter Rant

This blog was my very favourite until his book got out. It might be due to his hectic schedule as well as his non-involvement in the industry anymore; from an A to an R (waiter to writer, got it?) Anyway, I so enjoyed his posts when he was working at The Bistro. Yeah, I got his book and it's one of my prized possession. Hunted for it high and low as it was lowly stocked in my country; only one or two copies per book store. Loved it, cynicalness and all. But is he losing it? His posts are not so interesting and humourous as before. Only time will tell when his second book comes out. Egerly waiting here.If you wanted to know what book I'm hunting or now, it's The Last Eunuch of China..heh.


This is my all time favourite blog. Lots of dark humour here; notice the principal blog colour. If I enjoyed it that much, maybe I'm one of his type. Not for kids though; 18PL with all the cursing and swearing, foul language and all. Cool words that you would never thought of using. It's updated regularly, unlike yours truly..heh. When I first discover it along with the rest (in his reading list), I got hooked until I had to go through his archives.

3. Xiaxue

I must say this 'snowing' lady has got a very lucrative business going on. Blog advertising, that is. With an average of 20, 000 hits per day and not too mention media appearances and hosting jobs, she has really revolutionised the passion of blogging into a high-flying (literally too!), exciting, glamourous and most importantly money-making career. With a shocking pink background and every other thing pink, it's kind of refreshing to drop by every now and then.

Monday, July 13, 2009

In Loving Memory

Rover (1993 - 2009)
Fondly missed by comrade, Ivan and all at home.

Dear Rover,

You have served us well. Even though you have to depart, you will always live in our hearts. Hope you will be joining your comrade, Blackie and look over us from doggy's heaven. Bless your good soul and rest in peace.


P/S: The writer expresses regret for many delayed posts due to a hectic schedule but promises lighter posts are on their way.